Destroy Record Request

If you would like the entire record to be destroyed and all infomation to be un-readable on the blockchain, you can use the Destroy Record Request found here. This operation will be performed by VeChain, will permanently destroy the entire record and cannot be undone.

You Must Login or Create an Account to Use This Form

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Destroy Record Request Form

Destroy Record Request Form

Fill out and Submit this Form to Permanently Destroy your Entire Record. Permanent Destruction of your Record may take up to 7 days and you will be Notified once the request is Completed.

This Number can be found by scanning your QR Code Key or in your Accounts Page. (starts with LK-......)
First Name
Last Name
Required to Notify you if there is a problem with your request and to notify you once your Record has been destroyed and the QR Code Key is Non-Functional. Your request may take up to 24 hours for QR Code to be disabled and up to 7 days for Record to be permanently destroyed.
Re-enter Email to Confirm
I Understand that the entire record will be Destroyed and Unreadable. There is no way to partially destroy a record. This is permanent and cannot be undone.