Frequently Asked Questions

Where is my Digital Album stored?

Digital Albums are stored on VeChain Thor’s blockchain. It is a distributed ledger system with storage “nodes” throughout the world. Information on the blockchain is encrypted and your QR code will be your “key” to unlock your record.

Who can see my Digital Album?

Your Digital Album is encrypted and stored on the blockchain. You need your QR code to look at your record. Your QR code is your “Key” so keep it safe and don’t share it publicly or on social media.

My videos won't upload?

The size of the files is most likely too large. Try compressing the file to between 2-4 MB. If your phone or tablet doesn’t do this in the camera app, you can download a number of free apps that will do this. Some of the better ones are: Video Compressor, Video Dieter 2, Resize Video and Video Compress. If you have trouble creating your album, please Contact Us.

How can I pass my Digital Album to someone else?

You can pass your item to anyone and they can view the Digital Album by scanning the QR code. Your Digital Album can only be updated through your account on If you would like to give the ownership and permission to alter your Digital Album to someone else, please Contact Us and we will help with this request.

How can I get help?

Directly below this FAQ Section is a Contact Form, phone number and email. We will respond to Contact Form and Emails within 24 hours. You may phone us during business hours listed with the phone number.

How does my store become a reseller?

If you are a Store Owner, Contact Us and we will set your store up with a wholesale account. If you are a retailer, we have many pre-engraved items that we offer wholesale.

If you are an Engraver we would love to add you to our Network and get you our point-of-purchase store displays. We activally highlight all engravers in our network on our social media channels. More informationfor Engravers can be found by clicking Here.

Why is blockchain the better choice?

Blockchain is better because Digital Albums are permanent and immutable and cannot be lost or hacked like cloud storage. Blockchain is also a distributed ledger so instead of a single storage point, like cloud storage, storage “nodes” are distributed throughout the world. Blockchain also protects your privacy with encryption. Photos and documents you store on blockchain are not available to Search Engines.

How long will my Digital Album be stored?

Your Digital Album is encrypted and permanently stored as part of the VeChain Thor blockchain. VeChain’s storage nodes are distributed throughout the world. Once your Digital Album is part of the blockchain it is permanently stored with no additional storage fees.

Can I remove my Digital Album?

The easiest way to remove your Digital Album is to remove the QR code. This is the “key” to view the record. The QR code can be buffed off or hatched to make it unreadable. Click here for examples. If the QR code is on a plate, that plate can be removed or replace.

If you would only like to change part of your Digital Album, such as changing a photo or text, please Click Here.

If you would like the record permanently destroyed in the blockchain, click here to fill out the request form.

Where can I find an engraver?

Some of the Best Engravers are part of our Network and can find one in your area by clicking here.

What can I do if my engraver doesn't use your system?

If you have an item you would like engraved, you can Print your QR code or save it as a .jpg to bring to your engraver. Contact us for more information on that.

Contact Us - Let's Chat!

Contact Us - Let's Chat!

We would like to hear from you. Please send us a message by filling out the form below and we will get back with you shortly.

If contact on behalf of business or organization
email - required
confirm email - required

Contact us

Help by Email:

Email anytime and receive an answer within 24 hours:

Help by phone:

Reach us during business hours:

Monday - Friday

10:00 a.m.  - 6:00 p.m.

Eastern Standard Time

(850) 339-9304 

Superior Record Storage Solution