What a Digital Album Can Do


VeScribe Digital Albums added to heirlooms can tell your family’s story to live on for generations.

Create a private Digital Album on jewelry for photos and videos. Keep that special moment forever or share your album with other family members.

Non-profits and businesses can share the accomplishments and vision of their organization with a Digital Album on awards and gifts.

Promote your Event using a Digital Album. Attendees can access programs, maps and sponsor information right from the Digital Album Key printed on your promotional products.



Getting Started

1. Scan

Use your phone or tablet to scan the QR Key on Your Object and Open the Link.


2. Your New Digital Album

Is Ready for Photos, Videos and Messages. Click the link on the Welcome Screen to get started.

3. Create your Album

Add your Digital Album’s Main Image, Title, Description and Photo Gallery and Video Clips.

4. View Your Digital Album

By Scanning your object’s QR Code Key. Digital Albums are Posted within 24 hours.

Contact Us - Let's Chat!

Contact Us - Let's Chat!

We would like to hear from you. Please send us a message by filling out the form below and we will get back with you shortly.

If contact on behalf of business or organization
email - required
confirm email - required

Contact us

Help by Email:

Email anytime and receive an answer within 24 hours:


Help by phone:

Reach us during business hours:

Monday – Friday

10:00 a.m.  – 6:00 p.m.

Eastern Standard Time

(850) 405-7494